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Tutorial Videos

VIDEO 1: First Patient Contact

VIDEO 2: Explaining the submaximal exercise test (INDUCTION SESSION)

VIDEO 3: Discussing the exercise prescription (INDUCTION SESSION)


VIDEO 5: Transitioning men to group supervision (PROGRESS REVIEW)

VIDEO 6: Exploring progress & providing feedback after missing sessions (PROGRESS REVIEW)*

*This video contains examples of exploring the importance of exercise, the use of importance rulers, exploring barriers to exercise, problem solving, social support, goal setting and confidence rulers. This video also demonstrates excellent consultation skills including active listening, reflection and being led by the patient. 

VIDEO 7: Contacting a patient who is struggling with routine (EXAMPLE 1)* 

*This video contains examples of using open ended questions to identify why a patient has missed several scheduled sessions. Behaviour change support includes: exploring routine, discussing habit formation and identifying a useful prompt.

VIDEO 8: Contacting a patient who has missed several sessions through low motivation (EXAMPLE 2)*

*This video contains examples of using open ended questions, active listening and summarising to identify why a patient has missed several scheduled sessions. Behaviour change support includes: importance rulers, exploring barriers, problem solving, habit formation, goals and confidence scales. 

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