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Latest Update

In June 2023 the target of 700 participants for the STAMINA study was reached and recruitment has now closed.  Participants have been randomised to either the STAMINA Lifestyle Intervention (SLI) Group or the Optimised Usual Care (OUC) Group.

The men on SLI will be following a 12-month tailored and supervised exercise programme at a Nuffield gym delivered by STAMINA trained Exercise Professionals.
The control group of OUC men will be utilising the advice and provision of their standard care provider.

Both groups will be completing questionnaires at various points along their STAMINA journey. The STAMINA Research Team are now involved in collecting, analysing and reporting on the data received.  

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STAMINA is a five year research project funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) in the UK. The programme is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a long term supported exercise intervention in men with advanced prostate cancer who have undergone medical castration with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT).

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